Sustainability and Responsibility at Delilah Wolf Pack

Did you know that each ​Delilah Wolf Pack clothing piece is made just for you? We only produce items we get an order for, avoiding textile waste from overproduction. So forget about mass-produced, fast fashion clothing and buy your unique one-off from us! 

Sustainable fashion is the future! That's why Delilah Wolf Pack is taking steps to make sure we're part of the movement.

Sustainability and Responsibility at Delilah Wolf Pack


The printing tech we use is made with sustainability in mind, and our DTG printers use practically zero wastewater and less energy, lowering our carbon footprint.

The inks we use for printing are water-based and free of damaging chemicals. We take care to dispose of any left-over ink according to the ink supplier guidelines, so we’re not harming the environment.


We try to do our best to minimize waste in packaging and source eco-friendly packaging materials. Many of our packaging materials are either recyclable or biodegradable. The poly bags used in our packaging are recyclable, low-density polyethylene, FDA and USDA compliant.

Each piece you see on our site is made-on-demand, meaning once you place the order, we start working to get it to you. It takes time for us to produce and send out the goods, but making each order on-demand enables us to avoid overproduction. This way we're all part of the sustainable fashion movement.

You can check out our shipping details here. 

Sustainability and Responsibility at Delilah Wolf Pack




  • Peter M

    Bravo guys. definitely going to order some for the kids this Christmas!

  • Anna

    I am so proud of your progress guys!

  • kris

    hi! just came from your instagram post! So proud of you guys :)

  • Lucy

    this is great guys thank you

  • josey

    Yes, this is awesome. Just gave me another reason to buy Delilah Wolf Pack!!

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